
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Summer break, Summer Night!

Hell mother effin' yeah for summer break!
Well, as expected, i am being unproductive this summer break once again. Not actually i've hoped for. I had a lot of productive things that i wanted to do this summer listed on my mind (dont worry i didnt forget those things). Like:

  • drawing
  • painting
  • read books
  • practice with my foreveralone guitar
  • read Homestuck
  • make a new deviantart id and post craps
oookay. I thought i had a lot of things listed here but i guess i really did forget half of it :I 
The only successful thing i've done that is listed above is reading Homestuck whiiiich is not really productive at all. (place your palm on your face. it'll help.)

Let's talk about my summer night~
Ask about my summer night! Well, it's furrking hot thanks for asking. To add some twist in my hot, quiet night...
midnight snackin with cookies and warm milk in my trusty cancer mug <3! yummy~ :3
with a cancer troll dude jawdropping at the sight of the cookies, ironically
(took a bite at one of the cookies before taking this shot. i was hungry)
my drafting table serving as a dining table. i think it's much more useful this way o:
(look at Karkat gooo~ <3 oh lordy, he's so adorable)

that's it i guess. showed you 1/24 of our house, hope you guys are happy! 8D
I have to hit the hay now, it's 3am here! O.O


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