
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I was touched to receive a text from a friend outside my class. (means she's not my classmate). She said that I am no longer spending time with her. And she was sad. I was touched because she was actually seeking my presence hahaha. That doesnt sound quite right. She actually wants to spend time with me. There. Anyway, i see her most of the time in our "Tambayan". I'd love to hang out with her but how can I if she's with her boyfriend? AAALL the time. All lovey-dovey, hands glued together, exchanging sweet words with each other. And how do you think am i suppose to enter their world? Or is it even smart to enter their planet?

I wish i can hang out with that crazy mood swinging girl again too (she's so scary when she suddenly gets cranky. I dont even know why XD ). I guess, when the time is right :))


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