
Thursday, January 26, 2012

University Days: Day 1

After dying for weeks, im alive once again! Wooo. Expect me to blog for one day and return in time that no one knows :D Since im currently procrastinating, again, i thought of nothing to do except to make a post for my blog. (I post more in my tumblr than here though. I only post something here when it's worth... Posting for :| )

So, since im really really tired today, i want to type and type and type a lot here. (redundancy. IKR) So let's talk about my day today! DANGER: LONG POST AHEAD.

What's the date today? Oh Right, January 25! Today's the start of our school's U-days or should I say, University Days! I know! It sounds fun! But before we get to the fun part.. 

8:00am I came to the classroom ALMOST late in our class. I didnt pass anything to our Sir Salas, the professor, today (actually i never passed anything ever since the 2nd semester began :| goodluck to my grades.) Half, of the room were doing good stuffs like doing their projects for that subject, while my friends were practicing for their acoustic band for Saturday's battle...That happened after we took a lot of photos with ourselves. Then after few hours, we asked permission from Sir Salas that we'll go to the comfort room. WE LIED. We went down to eat. After reaching the canteen and my friends bought food, my friend, Joanna, spotted Sir Salas in the canteen! We rushed around the food stalls to hide and avoid the Sir! After doing some ninja techniques, we ran towards the elevator and went back to our classroom (the Last floor, 7th Floor).

Le elevator opens. Wild two friends appeared! They were about to go down to buy food too :| So we came along. Then, we spotted Sir Salas again and ran then hide. Later we bought food. It was so fun! You know, running away from your prof. Especially if you know what you're doing is kinda wrong :)) Anyway!*skips*
We were singing, inside the room. (I was actually just singing along since i dont belong in their band). I thought it's wrong to sing inside the room because earlier, Sir Salas wont let anyone strum a guitar. But Joanna told me it's okay because she saw Sir Salas' reaction was in awe. So we continued singing.

Later, Sir Salas spoke. He told everyone, to dont stop singing. In a monotonous tone. Everyone stopped making a noise. He then started yelling at us, how we dont do our projects and stuffs. And how we're like dirt that's stuck under our fingernails. USELESS. Mmyeah. My classmates didnt like it.

Anywho! We ate at Mcdonald's! I spent P50 for Mcsavers, with it's puny chicken fillet matched with a fist of rice. (It never makes me full, but because it's cheap.. okay) Then i asked for a gravy refill just to eat it :)) I love gravies. Then went back alone to the school because i like it that way, and since they're practicing again while inside Mcdo. I replaced my previous ordered green t-shirt. Because the shirt was really fit to me. I felt like superman.
What the fuck are you waiting for??? Let's fly bitches!!
THAT's... what Kuya Drake said earlier. :| But I know you'll get the point :)) It's Written in Kapampangan and I dont understand it since im not one of them.

Then after signing up for the attendance, i went to watch the cheering competition but i was a bit late, but even so i found Joanna and hang around with them for a bit, then i separated from them because they were gonna practice again. I Stayed with my anime club friends for the whole afternoon.

6:00pm - I texted my mom that i was soooo hungry and disappointed that our club was totally messed up, unorganized and.. HNGHH. Then so, we ate at Chowking! With mom and Joanna's mom. The Chow Fan, Yang chow totally lacks something! It has NO effing salt in it! I was disappointed, but i was sooooo hungry so i ate it hungrily :)) .. i even ate half of my mom's noodles. Haha. Then we returned to our school, and brought mom and tita inside, which is now allowed. Wooo. The school's really crowded.
I got bored with the club's "MAID AND BUTLER CAFE." It's so epic fail i dont want to talk about it :| .. NVM, ill tell you. We dont have tables, chairs, cooking pans/non stick pans, we lack food, we drinks, plates.. EVERYTHING. MOTHER OF GOD, I was sooo disappointed! I want to replace our president for a moment there and arrange everything! Im not boasting or anything but i thought ill do a better job! >_<

Bernadette, invited us to go ride the ROUND-UP (A round spinning thingy ride that make you spin when you ride it. UHHH.. ) So Bernadette, Kenneth, Melton, Kuya Eric, Yahnnie and a girl went together along with me towards the theme park. We ended up riding the Ferris wheel.

At first i was telling Bernadette that riding a ferriswheel is really boring. There's no thrill. Later, we ended up riding the Ferris Wheel, and she treated us! WOOO. She sat with Kenneth, and I sat with Melton. The other three got left behind. Sorry guys! XD
And, then, i ate my words. The ferris wheel only just started, but i was already screaming and clinging on to Melton. OH GOD, i was so pathetic. Everytime we reach the top i cling onto him. Tears started to come out from my eyes! hahaha. It's so funny and fun. I was holding him everytime i feel that G force. He's trying to comfort me though. I somehow calmed down later, but by that time, the wheel was about to stop. XD We came down, seeing both bernadette and kenneth have tracks of tears on their eyes. HAHAHA. I dont know why we have to act like that in that baby ride :))

Then we returned to the place where we were staying, in the club's maid cafe stuff. Oh! i hugged Kenneth really tight. I feel comfortable hugging him ^_^. Because, my guy friends in the said club were wearing butler outfits and holding a sign "FREE HUGS" written on it. Actually only Kuya Drake and Vince were holding those signs, since they had a bet. Whoever loses will wear a maid cafe :)) In the end, I hugged Vince and Kuya Drake. (That reminds me! Madel stole a kiss from Vince on the cheek! O_O WTH. XD (Madel has a crush on Vince, you see. XD BUT DANG. I dont have guts to do that! Naiilang nga ako sa babae. LOL. Lalaki pa kaya. And yeah, vince knows that obsessed with him?? XD )

After few more hours, 9:00pm i think, we left the school with my feet hurting, Joanna's mom mad at her, and my mom who's really tired too. and now im typing this post for le blog. woot.

Anyway, that's it. I admit. I was bored because I was disappointed and was expecting MORE from day 1. But it's just Day 1 anyway. Maybe there's something interesting will happen tomorrow. More happiness. And whoa! it's 1:30am here already! NOT GOOD. I must sleep for future need. Let's enjoy tomorrow! YAAAY!



Koristotle Resetti said...

Sorry about The Maid and Butler Cafe I knew you were excited about it and it turned out to be a disappointment:/ Sometimes when you're frustrated with that club I honestly want to thelle (see what I did there) you to quit. But I think I get it now! you seem to have a love hate relationship with WAAC XD

teroo said...

i was not that excited. I felt, neutral (again with the neutralness XD) Our president... he's not open minded :| i thought of quitting XD but whenever i think of friends i made there, i always change my mind :))

im so sweet

Koristotle Resetti said...

tsk neutral stop being ine between >:O well as long as you're happy then stay XD something's wrong with FB :/

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