
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 1: My Favorite Pokemon

My favorite pokemon -- Ralts.
It's sooo cute D: come on. stare at it! staaaaare..

First of all, the color green attracted me. I like the color green if you didnt know. XD And look how cute Ralts is.. It is so tiny and so cute and so innocent and... tiny D: It looks like a little kid with an upside down bowl resting on its head :)) Another thing that made me like this Pokemon, it is because I like psychic types. I like Ralts and its evolutions also because their evolutions are so interesting.

Of course i dont only like Ralt's appearance but also its character. According to

"Ralts is a timid Pokémon that will hide if it senses hostility, but becomes a little braver if it senses happy feelings and optimism from others. If its trainer is in a cheerful mood, this Pokémon grows cheerful and joyous in the same way. If its horns capture the warm feelings of people or Pokémon, its body warms up slightly."

Long explanation is long. Anyway, I like how sympathetic Ralts is. When i was young, I wished for someone with this kind of behavior :)) sounds childish. But anyway, that's all. Until now, Ralts is still my favorite pokemon. :D


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