
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

From Inactive to slightly active blogger

Yes. I am now typing something for my "blog", which died for, i donno how many months.  I got forced by that GUY. Yes. that guy forced me to post something here again. Well, it's time for me to give something in return for him and this is it. It sounds so simple but i think it somehow made him happy. XD ( YEAH. I KNOW. *roll eyes* )

Anyway, starting from this post, ill post something worth reading, i suppose. Anyway, whoever reads this, Hello i think i am back and uhhhh... i dont usually type in english. I type in Tagalog too. Whichever i felt like using. OKAY! Im back to business baby! ;)

Oh yeah, what i mean about this guy..
check out his blog. It's worth a while. Im not lying PFftchh :D ( yan na promote ko na blog mo. HAPPY? )
see you in my next post :D


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