
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 8: Most amusing Pokémon

Let's be honest about this.. The previous questions were a little bit boring. We should've changed it, but i was lazy to think of a good question so I let it be. Anyway, what pokemon i find amusing?

Not only amusing, i also find this pokemon to be the most beautiful. Coming from its pre-evolved form, Feebas, which is useless according to everyone (since it's kinda like magikarp who only knows the move "splash"). I find Milotic to be really strong. Whenever i attack this pokemon, its life points doesnt seem to lower that much no matter how many "super effective" it says. I guess Milotic's defence is really high. Which i find really cool. I wanted to catch a feebas but it's really hard. I once saw a feebas earlier in my newbie Sapphire game days. But i didnt know, so i pwned that Feebas. :|

That is all. XD *bows*


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