
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 7: Most adorable Pokémon


Yep. This blue little blob thing is, i donno, maybe the MOST ADORABLE THING EVER? With its eyes closed, like its evolved form, Wobbuffet, they both look so cute! I always see it with a mouth open like that. If not, its face looks a little worried. Im not sure. That's how i look at its face when it's not smiling like the picture above.

And not only that, also the reason i like Wynaut, because it reminds me of Jessie's Wobbuffet. Wobbuffet may appear useless in almost every episode that Wobbie's with Jessie, it's still loyal to it's trainer that made me go "AAAWWW". Actually most of pokemon is like that :|

ANYYWAYYY.. I wish i can haz Wynaut. sure...Wynaut? See what i did there? 


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